Nutrition Hackathon
Seeking creative theme-oriented ideas from creators throughout India
  • Students
  • Research Scholars
  • Faculties
  • Innovators
Registration is mandatory for participation. Each team should have a maximum of 4 members. Send us a video of up to 3 minutes in length on or before September 20, 2023. Results will be announced shortly after the evaluation.
Top Two Teams will each receive a prize of Rs. 25000 from Janonam Natural Nutrition.
1.“30 different plants a week” challenge-Balancing millets: :
a. Design an ideal meal (with no anti-nutrients) with at least 30 different plants (plant parts) & millets (compulsorily at least 3) to meet 50% of recommended RDA (Recommended Daily Allowances of nutrients) for Indian adults.
b. Offer convenience in consumption that should be ready to eat or ready to drink – straight out of the box / can – without any cooking/ heating etc.
c. Enable versatile culinary profile to prepare a wide range of dishes and snacks. Embracing millets in modern diets that appeal to modern tastes and dietary preferences.
2. Design Food-Ink cartridge & food printer for Jananom’s vegan Nutrimix :
a. Formulate it suitably for flowing characteristics & rheology for printing.
b. Able to customize food design on the printer – from a mobile app / website.
c. Total printing time not to exceed 180 minutes per dish.
3. Gut-brain hack for yogic meal :
a. As per Indian traditional system, there are certain recommended diets that support gut-brain axis for those who want to do meditation and do tasks that involve mental focus. Design such a diet.
b. Should meet atleast 20% of RDA
c. Should involve minimal cooking.
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