Next Gen
Incubatee Brief:

Next Generation Anti-infectives works to bring Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods to design models and look for chemical features to repurpose drugs that have a potential to develop next-generation antifungal, which may have tremendous impact in medicine and drug discovery.


Prof. S. Adline Princy, Mr. S. Karthi, Dr. P. Vairaprakash, Dr. Prasanna Neelakantan, Mrs. Sahana Vasudevan

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Incubatee Brief:

AICuraMol solely focuses on developing AI-based computational platforms for the design of small molecules for health care and technological applications.


S. Thamotharan and Vigneshwar Ramakrishnan

Contact Email:;
Incubatee Brief:

At Analogy, we intend to produce reusable tissue chips with microfluidic channels to model both pathological and physiological response of native tissues for drug testing and toxicity studies.


Dr. S. Anuradha, Dr. S. Swaminathan, Dr. K. S. Rajan and Dr. D. Ramya

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

At BioIntel, We work towards the development of various big-data tools for SynBio towards creating user platforms for construction of optimal genetic circuits, with a view to theranostics.


Ashok Palaniappan

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

Telepresence robot for healthcare and human assistance: The revolution on the internet of things has enabled every one of us to multitask across the globe sitting in our office. In this scenario, there are situations where we may be compelled to attend to more than two tasks in a day at distant locations. Additionally, the overheads on the logistics incurred during such visits are too high, and also these travels introduce a lot of fatigue. Telebotz manufactured by CTPL serves as a one-stop solution. Telebotz is a telepresence robot designed and manufactured by CTPL that can be controlled for navigation using your mobile phone. Telebotz also enables the user to interact with people in its environment through a voice and video interface. The user can save on energy, expenses due to travel, and other logistics.


N. S. Manigandan (Founder & CEO), S. Rakesh Kumar (Co-founder & CTO), R. Lakshmi Narasimhan (Investment Partner & Operations) & R. Balakrishnan (AI Consultant & Advisor)

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Diagonal Diagnostics aims to provide the most reliable Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions for health analytics and medical image diagnostics. Together with clinical physicians, our AI based deep learning tool plans and targets solutions for image-guided interventional procedures to improve the quality of patients' life by diagnosing several lung diseases using Chest Radiography images.


Dr.R.Elakkiya & Dr.V.Subramaniyaswamy

Contact Email:,
Incubatee Brief:

Krisham Healthcare focusses on development of cost-effective healthcare solutions accessible to all through effective therapeutic formulations spanning herbals and nanomedicine as well as diagnostic kits for major disease biomarkers.


K. Uma Maheswari

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

Skinnovate focusses on development cost-effective scaffolds for skin-regeneration and grafts for skin wounds contributing to development in skin-tissue engineering.


Dr. S. Dhakshinamoorthy & Dr. S. Swaminathan

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

Swasth (Meaning: Healthy) The name says it all! With a focus on developing of cost-effective/affordable solutions, it provides an oppourtunity to individuals on building a healthy and safe lifestyle.


Dr. S. Swaminathan, Dr. S. Anuradha & Dr. S. Dhakshianmoorthy

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

Electronic nose is a potential tool to detect chemicals and has various applications in the field of health-care, food and environment. eNose based on nanostructured sensors has gained wide attention in detecting various chemicals. However, it has the disadvantage of cross sensitivity with other interfering gases and vapours. Hence we aim at developing portable devices by enhancing the selectivity and sensitivity of nanostructured sensors along with suitable discrimination algorithms.



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Company Name:

bEarly TechnoVations Pvt. Ltd.


Medical Technology & AI

Incubatee Brief

Building holistic solutions to address the underlying factors of complex diseases, enhancing patient well-being, through the seamless integration of Augmented Intelligence with appropriate platforms.


Mr. V. Sathyanarayanan & Dr. N. S. Manigandan

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

To develop a Point-of-Care Device for the detection of pre-diabetes biomarker. The mail outcome of this entity is an electrochemical biosensing device using screen printed electrode.


Dr. John Bosko Balaguru and Dr.Srinivasan Vedhantham

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

Oral cancer - major problem in the Indian subcontinent which demands early detection for treatment planning and prognosis. Although, blood or tissue are commonly used for diagnostics, Saliva has great potential as a diagnostic fluid and offers advantage over serum and other biological fluids. We are developing saliva collection kit to address this issue.


Ms.Elavarasi Balasubramanian and Dr. Kesavan Markkandan

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Accurate and timely diagnosis of genetic disorders such as cancers and rare diseases is a complex and expensive process. Traditional molecular biology and imaging (MRI, CT, PET) based methods are expensive and error prone. Often misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis leads to lethal outcomes. Time given for clinical diagnosis is also limited in highly populated countries like India. To overcome these challenges, will employ artificial intelligence based methods to detect molecular signatures in early diagnosis using next generation sequencing (NGS) and Imaging data. Our research based methodology is proven in the lab and preclinical setup around the world.


Dr.Gnanavel Mutharasu

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

Solving the ground zero problem of agriculture- i.e making soil nutrient estimation and recommendation accurate, accessible and affordable


Mr. Dhiraj Choudhary

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Our core focus is to save the life of preterm baby and strengthen the immunity by giving nutritional value products and immunity booster from mother milk .


Mr. R Balakrishanan

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

To create evolve disruptive innovations in the area of life sciences. A new next-gen Molecular Diagnostics, aimed at empowering rural and semi-urban settings.


Mr. Deepak Chandrasekaran

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

To develop the products with enhancing the antimicrobial properties of nanomaterials. Such as Anti-microbial property enhanced Gloves, Masks, PPE Kit, Barrier sheets, Coating, and much more which help to prevent us in any pandemic situations.


Mr. Mohammed Adnan Javeed

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Bioactive glasses are used as toothpaste ingredients to ensure day-to-day dentine re-mineralization and an essential routine for the dentine hypersensitivity ailing population. Currently, these bioactive glasses are imported into India by toothpaste ingredient suppliers and there is a domestic need considering the evolving applications as dental filler, glass ionomer cement, etc... In our inventive step, we address the limitations in current bioactive glass compositions.


Dr. S Sakthi Prasad, Dr.G R Gopi & Mr. P.Sathyavrathan

Contact Email:
Incubatee Brief:

Developing Blood & FBS using donors' blood.


Dr. V R Ravi
Dr. D Avinash Gandhi

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

The irritation potential of the cosmetic and pharmaceutical products that are formulated are evaluated using animal experiments, especially on Rabbit’s cornea. Since 41 countries banned animal experiments in cosmetic testing and drug research, regulatory bodies have suggested a few alternatives, one such method is the testing using the reconstructed corneal epithelial model. Our corneal epithelial tissue will be developed using bioprinting technology, which will be a superior model compared to the current market available tissue models. We have already developed reconstructed skin epidermis using bioprinting technology with the support of the DST - Department of Science and Technology.


Ranjith Kumar Velusamy, S.Manoj Kumar & Pradeep Arunachalam.

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Petra Assistive Devices Private Limited - Petra v2.1 controller is a low-cost Wheelchair controller that could be integrated into any motorized, wheelchair. With this controller, the wheelchair is operated in three modes of operation via Voice, Joystick, and Bluetooth.


S.Saravanan, S.Hariharan, S. Subramani & R.Roshini

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

JRT Balmira Foods - We have developed a Nutraceutical product for the elderly population with the essence of Medicinal plants such as Withania somnifera, Asparagus racemosus, and Curculigo orchioides.


Ms. J.Rubika & Ms. J. Thenmozhi

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Canine Parvoviral enteritis is one of the fatal diseases and is characterized by severe hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in canines (usually puppies) caused by Canine parvovirus (CPV). Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) is a non-enveloped, single-stranded DNA virus that is highly contagious among canines. The Chicken IgY antibody was used for the passive protection of pathogen infections, especially intestinal infections, such as rotavirus, Salmonella, and exhibited good efficiencies. The Chicken egg yolk antibody (IgY) isolation arises from the possible applications of these immunoglobulins in diagnostics and therapeutics. Powdered whole eggs or yolks have been used in veterinary medicine as an inexpensive immunoglobulin Y source for the treatment of enteric diseases. Incorporating feed-grade egg yolk antibodies into animal diets has been examined extensively in an attempt to limit pathogenic diarrhea causing by Escherichia coli in swine, and limit Salmonella establishment in calves and mice, as well as Campylobacter, Clostridium, and Salmonella in poultry. Thus, therapeutic administration of the IgY might reduce the clinical use of antibiotics, and minimize the risk of developing bacterial antibiotic resistance.


Dr. Saravanakumar & Dr. V.A. Hemavathy

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Navikarana - To develop an application “Virtual Vision Test” for a comprehensive eye examination with a desktop having a camera or a laptop that facilitates outreach to underserved regions addressing the shortage of specialists available to provide their expertise on the global level which also can assist ophthalmologist and optometrist for further diagnose.


Dr. Swaminathan Venkatraman

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

HCTRONIQS - To design and manufacture an Electromyography Device for Detecting Neuropathical and Myopathical Disorders.


Dr. R. Raja Sudharsan

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Organic wastes contribute about 10% of the total greenhouse gas emissions globally. Hence, there is an immediate need for efficient waste management. Here, we propose to utilize organic wastes such as food wastes, kitchen wastes, and fruit wastes and convert them into value-added products such as shoe polish, grease, disinfectant soaps, etc. using an entomological approach. Plans are also in place to convert the organic wastes into food, fuel, fertilizer, and a variety of organic products. We are planning to establish a proof-of-concept to develop products that are of commercial value using the support received from ABLEST-TBI.


Dr. R. S. Saravanan, Mr. S. Subramaniyasharma, Mrs. V. Bhuvaneswari, Ms. Srividhya K, Dr. V. Ponnusami

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Vegetable oils play a vital role in the human diet since it acts as the energy source, see as the building blocks of lipid hormones, and is considered the vital portion of the bio-membrane. In south Asian countries like Pakistan and India, cooking oil intake is comparatively high owing to the higher consumption of street-side fried foods. The food stall workers, in order to survive on the higher oil cost, tend to reuse the cooking oils, mainly palm oils for many cycles. In some places, they tend to purchase used oils from restaurants. This repeated heating of ~3-6 times of oil to around ~200 °C tends to undergo thermal oxidation and auto-oxidation which is the topmost concern since they tend to generate numerous free radicals. The free radical generation in oil and its persistent intake knowingly or unknowingly is associated with lethal effects on humans. So, a mandatory action is required to test the oil quality from both the consumer as well as from the manufacturer side. Based on this need, a paper-based portable, on-spot bio-electrochemical sensor has been planned to develop for instantaneous detection of the oil quality using ROS as a marker.


Dr. Sakthivel Gandhi, Mr.Aarthi Kannan, Ms.AbinayaMayavan

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Global economies have started to steer towards Net Zero Emission(NZE) by 2050. India has pledged NZE by 2070. To achieve the NZE goal, world countries are moving towards biodiesel which will greatly reduce carbon footprint. We aim to develop an economical, eco-friendly biodiesel production process to achieve NZE and fight global warming.


Dr. A.Arumugam, Dr. V.Ponnusami

Contact Email: Website:
Incubatee Brief:

Jack fruit waste is generally disposed of at landfills or by combusting directly, causing global warming. Every year jackfruit worth 2000 crore is becoming wasted in India. So, the present incubation process is to scale up the comprehensive utilization of Jack fruit waste through an integrated biorefinery approach to dispose of zero waste JFP for the circular economy. The proof of the concept is ready, and the scaleup of the following innovations is proposed

1.Hybrid hydrolysis and fermentation of delignified JFP for the production of bioethanol
2.The extraction of Kraft lignin and Pectin for direct marketing.
3.The reinvention of fermentative residues as potential biofertilizers.


Dr Kiran Babu Uppuluri, Mr.C.Trilokesh, Mr.Kurappalli Rohil Kumar

Contact Email: Website:

GHO(Gomathy Herbal & Organics


Herbal & Organic formulations

Incubatee Brief:

Providing herbal feed supplements to farm animals, materials for organic farming.


Dr. S. Panchapakesan

Contact Email: Website:



Diagnostic devices

Incubatee Brief:

Rapid molecular diagnostics


Dr. Shanker Shyam Sundhar Panchapakesan

Contact Email: Website:

Envkith Ventures


Environmental engineering

Incubatee Brief:

The utilization of crop residues for the sequential green extraction of cellulose and cushion packaging material to attain sustainable development goals.


Dr. P.BalaGanesh & Dr.Kiran Babu Uppuluri

Contact Email: Website:

LosJovenes Clinilogic Pvt ltd, istem dermaceuticals (Trademark under LJC)


Dermaceutical, healthcare, biotechnology

Incubatee Brief:

iSTEM dermaceuticals of Los Jovenes Pvt Ltd company is to design and develop unique, high-quality actives in the pharmaceutical & cosmeceutical industry which are based on naturally derived compounds and extensive scientific expertise. We do envision furthering our expansion plans in product development to psoriasis, leukoderma, eczema, lipolytic product, hair follicle stimulants, and nutraceuticals. Under the portfolio nutraceuticals & health” iSTEM dermaceuticals envisions to offer a selection of effective beauty-from-within and anti-aging products


Dr. Lita Mohapatra, Dr. Suresh Verma, Dr. Sailesh Samal, Ms. Leisha Mohapatra, Ms. Rachana Rani Dey & Mr. Sarthak Samal

Contact Email: Website:

Tath Tvam 96 Healthcare (OPC) Private Limited



Incubatee Brief:

To deliver customized and comprehensive healthcare solutions based on alternative medicine.
The Company is engaged in research & manufacturing of siddha proprietary medicines and holds licenses for manufacturing of 15 siddha drugs, which can be used in the treatment of various indications ranging from skin diseases such as Psoriasis, Pain management, Dental care, Infertility, Cancers, STI/STDs, etc.
The company aims to reach a significant position in the alternative medicine pharmaceutical industry by developing and marketing siddha proprietary drugs, API’s, etc.


Mr.M. Vinothen & Dr KrithikaVinothen

Contact Email: Website:

Bionovus Technologies Pvt Ltd



Incubatee Brief:

Our startup is involved in the development of technologically intensive biotechnology and healthcare products. We are focused on creating clinical diagnostic products for child health and addressing antimicrobial resistance. The primary goal is to develop in-house reagents and devices.


Mr. Saaraj Gupta

Contact Email: / Website:

MolPath Pvt Ltd



Incubatee Brief:

Organochip, our ground-breaking proprietary microfluidic device, is reshaping cancer treatment. This patient-centric solution provides a cost-effective personalized cancer drug screening, minimizing trial-and-error cycles for optimal treatment outcomes. Tailored drug sensitivity panels based on NCCN guidelines. Organochip leads the way in personalized breast cancer treatment, offering efficiency and innovation.


Dr.Madhu Balaji Sivakumar, Dr.Banupriya Kumarasamy

Contact Email: Website:

RACE Automation Labs


Robotics, Automation and Controls

Incubatee Brief:

Develop and deliver cutting-edge solutions in the field of data-driven systems and stroke and biofeedback therapy devices.
RACE Automation Labs aims to improve existing solutions by addressing their underlying issues, developing a better-suited wearable device, and integrating all the necessary features to enhance overall functionality. With a commitment to enhancing current solutions, creating innovative wearable devices, and offering customizable, cost-effective, and scalable automation solutions, the company strives to deliver affordable, indigenous products that meet international standards.


Dr. RM. Kuppan Chetty, Dr. Adal Arasu, Dr. Pavan Kalyan Lingampally, and Dr. Bonda Atchuta Ganesh Yuvaraju




Healthcare- Medical Devices

Incubatee Brief:

DLPL Involved in development of promising low-cost product safety testing solutions for Sterile medical devices manufacturers for assuring safe products for the end users.
DLPL having a best-in class laboratory for facilitating the regulatory testing of medical devices for qualifying safety and performance on the Biological Safety Assessment and Biological Risk Evaluation as per IMDR 2017, EU MDR 2017 and US-FDA.
DLPL is the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certified facility with ISO-5, ISO-7, ISO-8 clean room facility compliance with Indian, European and USFDA requirements.


Dr. D Padmanabhan

Contact Email:

Eggday Enterprises Private Limited

Incubatee Brief:

EggDay is an innovative agritech initiative focused on delivering customized and comprehensive nutritional solutions through advanced boiled egg vending machines. These machines, equipped with AI-powered image processing technology for quality assurance, provide quick, hygienic, and convenient access to high-quality, protein-rich eggs. By ensuring optimal storage conditions, EggDay promotes health and wellness, particularly benefiting school children and health-conscious individuals. Our mission is to reduce malnutrition and improve public health by making nutritious food readily available. With a phased deployment strategy targeting schools, colleges, gyms, and public places, EggDay aims to become a leader in nutritional solutions. Committed to regulatory standards such as FSSAI, we strive to enhance food security, support local producers, and positively impact communities by addressing critical nutritional needs.


Jeyaraman Raju & Mohamed Iqbal

Contact Email:

PETMAG Technologies Private Limited


AI in Healthcare

Incubatee Brief:

To deliver customized and comprehensive livestock health management solutions using advanced technologies.
The company is engaged in the research and development of innovative AI and IoT-based systems to enhance livestock productivity and welfare. By developing AI algorithms for the early detection of diseases through the analysis of vital signs and behavior patterns, the company aims to improve disease management and overall animal health. Additionally, it leverages AI to analyze livestock behavior patterns captured by IoT sensors, assessing welfare indicators and improving management practices for better care and productivity. Furthermore, the company focuses on creating AI-powered solutions for health monitoring and disease prevention in free-range and pasture-based livestock farming systems, ensuring the wellbeing of livestock in natural farming environments. The company aims to reach a significant position in the livestock health management industry by developing and marketing these cutting-edge AI and IoT-based solutions, revolutionizing livestock management and enhancing overall efficiency and sustainability.


Mrs.Hilda Sahayamary Nithya, Mrs.M.Revathi & Dr Ganeshkumar

Contact Email:

Neer Shakti Systems Private Limited


Neer Shakti Systems Private Limited

Incubatee Brief:

Neer Shakti Systems is a trailblazing company at the forefront of nanobubble nanotechnology, offering innovative solutions to address some of the world's most pressing challenges. Focused on water management, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, healthcare, and wellness, Neer Shakti Systems delivers affordable, scalable, and energy-efficient applications tailored to industries and communities.
Founded by Anant Kapur and Amit Kapur, the company is supported by a dynamic team of researchers and innovators, collaborating with world-renowned institutions like the University of Oxford, University of California – Irvine, SP Jain School of Global Management, IIM Calcutta Innovation, IIT – FITT Delhi, and the Manipal Academy of Higher Education.
With headquarters in India, Neer Shakti Systems is making an impact PAN India through active pilot projects, partnerships, and a growing user base. Recognized by prestigious organizations such as IIMK Live, SIDBI, Indo-Israel Agritech Program, and NanosparX – Bengaluru (DST Bangalore), the company has received multiple awards and grants for its cutting-edge innovations.
Neer Shakti Systems tackles critical global issues like water scarcity and environmental sustainability using proprietary, patented nanobubble technology. These systems enhance aeration, cleaning, and treatment processes, offering solutions that are adaptable for small-scale farmers as well as large-scale urban and industrial setups.


Mr.Anant Kapur & Mr.Amit Kapur

Contact Email: